Victims of Violent Crimes
Support Group
San Joaquin County

We Carry their Memory
When someone you love is violently murdered, your whole life changes. A hurting void is left in the middle of your heart.... You try to return to normal life, but life as you knew it is gone forever. Holding fast to the memory of your loved one, you take each day one step at a time.... We speak from our hearts and are ready to take each step alongside yours as you move forward in healing.
Our Story
Victims of Violent Crime Support Group was formed on July 26, 2002 by two mothers, Kaysie Biagini and Joyce Tuhn.
Kaysie's only son Joseph Alan "Joey" Cannon was stabbed to death in an East Stockton park on September 28th, 1996. The person charged with his murder served four years in a California State Prison.
Joyce Tuhn's daughter, Lacy Crystal Luke was killed by a juvenile drunk driver on January 6, 1999. The juvenile responsible was committed to a boy's camp for a period of 11 months.
After the devastating loss of their children, the women realized there was a need for a support group in their community. With the guidance of the local Witness Victim Program and Mayor Gary Podesto they formed the VOVC of San Joaquin. Now Joyce and Kaysie help other families who have experienced similar loss cope with grief, find the resources they need, lean into hope and find healing.
Proud Partners of
Stockton Crime Stoppers
Cash rewards are offered after information is given in regards to serious crimes, and an arrest is made. Any persons reporting information on a crime can and will remain anonymous if so desired. A special telephone number is used to ensure caller privacy. To report a crime, click below or call (209) 946-0600.
Leadership of VOVC
We walk with the broken.
Contact any of our leadership members to learn more about Victims of Violent Crimes Support Group. If you would like VOVC to support you by attending your next court hearing, please contact Joyce or Leticia with the date and time of your next hearing.