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Victims of Violent Crimes
Support Group
San Joaquin County

Grieving with
Those who Grieve
We provide a safe space of emotional support for the families and friends whose loved ones are victims of homicide and other violent crimes, or are missing under suspicious circumstances.

Working Together
The Victims of Violent Crimes of San Joaquin, Inc. Support Group provides ongoing emotional support to help parents, family members and friends through the healing process.
Families are given assistance in accessing services and obtaining information on the criminal justice system. If you have recently lost a loved one from violence or if your loved one has been missing, we're here to help and support you.

Coming Up Next
There's no need to RSVP for any support group meetings. Come as you are. You are welcome & we'd love for you to join us.
- Sat, Mar 29Church of the PresentationTicket Price: $80/ticket; $640/table Benefits from the 16th Annual Crabfeed Fundraiser fuel our mission to provide help grieving loved ones with services such as: Trial and court hearing support Raising funds & awareness initiatives for grieving families Events of remembrance Support groups
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